Real-time email verification using our powerful API. offers powerful REST-based and GraphQL APIs that allow you to easily integrate our email verification service into your application or workflow.

Rapid Response for Streamlined Operations
The Truelist API is engineered for high performance, delivering quick responses to your validation requests. This means less waiting and more efficiency for your operations, ensuring that your email campaigns and communications run smoothly without delay.
Top-notch documentation
Make your developers happy with our easy-to-follow OpenAPI specification and code samples.

Ready to enhance your email strategy?

Join Truelist today and take the first step towards better deliverability. Sign up now and experience the difference in your email marketing efforts.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

What is
Truelist is a cutting-edge email validation service designed to improve the accuracy and deliverability of your email campaigns by verifying email addresses in real-time and cleaning email lists.
How does validate email addresses?
Our service uses advanced algorithms and real-time checking to validate email addresses. This includes checking for format correctness, domain validity, and whether the email address is active and accepting mails.
What are the benefits of using Truelist for email validation?
By using, you can reduce bounce rates, avoid spam traps, improve your sender reputation, and ultimately increase the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.
Can I try Truelist before committing to a plan?
Absolutely! You don't need a monthly plan to use Truelist. You can simply purchase credits and use them as you go. You can also try our service for free by signing up for a free account. You also start out with 250 free credits when you sign up.
What is the difference between on-demand and subscription pricing?
On-demand pricing is pay-as-you-go, ideal for occasional users or those with fluctuating needs. Subscription pricing, available monthly or yearly, is perfect for users with consistent, high-volume validation needs, offering cost savings and additional features.
Is Truelist compliant with data privacy regulations like GDPR?
Yes, we prioritize data security and compliance with global privacy laws, including GDPR. We ensure that all data is handled securely and with the utmost respect for privacy.
Does have an API?
Yes, we have a powerful API that allows you to integrate Truelist into your own applications and services. You can find our API documentation here.